A Client called Kate
A client I shall call Kate has now participated in three Quantum Healing
Hypnosis Technique Sessions which initially revealed her affiliation with a 9 th
Dimension Andromeda Dignitary situated upon a moveable planet construct. As
each session progressed more and more information has been revealed to Kate.
This latest session conducted in mid December 2023, is so relevant to now. Its
important to note that Kate has been meditating for many years and had the
capacity to go deep into the recesses of her subconscious, or is it, has she been
able to access a parallel life. Upon regaining awareness whilst coming out of
hypnosis, Kate thought that her session was a short one, about 30 minutes. I
revealed to Kate that this hypnosis session lasted 2 hours in duration, of which
she was greatly surprised. I take Kate through the hypnosis induction, this is
what transpired thereafter.
P sd: “Now I’m going to ask you to drift off of the cloud to the surface, that
cloud has taken you back to another time and space, to find information that is
going to help you in the best possible way, we’re looking for the most
appropriate time and place for you to stop, to look at and examine, and as you
come down I want you to tell me the very first thing that you are seeing,”
K sd: “This cloud turned into a comet, which took me on a voyage through space
into, and onto, another planetary system. This planetary construct is very
puratist in its appearance, it is white with vivid bursts of natural colour
replicating nature. It is very beautiful, coloured flowers, grasslands, it’s very
P sd: “How would you describe some of the greenery.”
K sd: “I am walking in a continuous line upon a white walkway viewing the
differing eco systems that has been created, woodlands, a fern habitat,
manicured gardens, many differing scene scapes to view and to choose
depending upon your needs and what you wish to receive from this natural
P sd: “How would you describe the path you are walking on.”
K sd: “It’s a polished white substance which is hard and shiny, I’m walking
straight through, it is quite an expanse, there are many differing species of
trees, beautiful colours, and I’m walking from one side to the other.”
P sd: “And what is on the other side as you walk from one side to the other.”
K sd: “I don’t know where this is taking me, I’m just walking through, it appears
to be constructed because the beauty is exquisite and looks composed, not as
nature would look.”
P sd: “So there is a garden which has been constructed.”
K sd: “It is apart of a planetary construct which has been exquisitely designed
for those who dwell within it. It’s very beautiful.”
P sd: “And do you notice anything else there whilst you’re walking along this
K sd: “I’m just engrossed in viewing all that is before me, beside me, above me,
it looks like an outdoor setting, but I know that it is not.”
P sd: “So when you say that it’s not a natural outdoor setting can you see
anything that indicates that it’s not that.”
K sd: “It is constructed so meticulously to give a heightened sense that you are
within a natural setting and even though it feels solid it appears to be
holographic, but if I were to view this I receive the sensations that I am
immersed in nature. It is very beautiful, there’s even a stream.”
P sd: “Can you describe that stream.”
K sd: “It’s meandering through woodlands, there is alot of crisp green mosses,
grasses covering the ground and then you look in another direction and you have
a completely different scene scape with bursts of colour, flowers, trees.”
P sd: “So the landscape changes.”
K sd: “Yes as you walk along this walkway the landscape changes, so you can
receive a sensory feeling from viewing all of these differing scene scapes and
there is blue sky above, it’s a very comfortable temperature, not too hot, not
too cold, but very comfortable.”
P sd: “And can you see your feet from where you are.”
K sd: “Yes.”
P sd: “Is there anything on your feet.”
K sd: “Yes, a white skin like material is covering my feet, there are three
appendages, I want to say, three toes.”
P sd: “And what about your body what can you see of that.”
K sd: “A white tunic.”
P sd: “And do you feel male or female.”
K sd: “Neither.”
P sd: “Are you young or old.”
K sd: “Mature.”
P sd: “Is there any ornaments, jewellery or are you holding anything in your
hands, around your wrist, neck or upon your head”
K sd: “There is a diamond print within the central chest location of this tunic.”
P sd: “How would you describe this symbol.”
K sd: “A diamond shape with a 3D blue colour behind the diamond shape.”
Psd: “Now this place you are describing, is this where you live.”
K sd: “Yes.”
P sd: “Can we go to the place here where you spend much of your time, where
you sleep and eat so we can get a sense of how you live.”
K sd: “Yes, I’m walking through an arch, but the arch is not rounded, it has
straight sides much like a pentagon angle. I’m leaving the natural woodland
reserve and as I walk through this arch way, I’m stepping onto a circle on the
ground and I am thinking of my personal dwelling and it takes me directly
outside of my personal dwelling.”
P sd: “What takes you outside of your personal dwelling.”
K sd: “It is a circle where you dematerialize upon thinking of a location and you
rematerialize at that location you focus your attention upon.”
P sd: “Can you now describe your home.”
K sd: “Yes, it is very beautiful, it is crisp, clean, light, spacious, it is very very
white, there are bursts of pronged foliage, it looks like a palm but it is not a
palm, it is a species of plant that I am not familiar with. It was gathered from
travels but very beautiful, a very rich, rich green and large pronged like draping
leaves, you need a reasonable space to house this plant. There are alot of
symbols where the perimeter of the ceilings meet the top of the walls, going
right around the dwelling, many symbols.”
P sd: “Do they seem like some type of language.”
K sd: “No, they hold a frequency pattern to them which coincides with the
frequency of the being occupying the dwelling. That is how we gain access to our
homes, through the alignment and identification of these symbols, your home
recognises your frequency and allows you access through the match of the
frequency you hold within, that corresponds to the frequency around the
perimeter, interior of this dwelling.”
P sd: “Is there anyone else living within this dwelling.”
K sd: “No.”
P sd: “So these symbols are like a signature within your own body?”
K sd: “Yes and that is how we gain access through this frequency, no one else
has access to your dwelling unless it is imprinted in the symbology around the
P sd: “Is there a place where you have food, have meals.”
K sd: “That is all done within your dwelling, there is only a small area for food,
or nutrient preparation as everything ingested into the body is liquefied.”
P sd: “How do you ingest that.”
K sd: “Through the placement of the hand into the liquid.”
P sd: “So it works through what we call osmosis.”
K sd: “Yes, nothing is ingested via any opening.”
P sd: “Do you have any opening upon the face.”
K sd: “No there is not.”
P sd: “So how do you communicate with others.”
K sd: “Through the mind.”
P sd: “Do you have visual eyes. Can you describe this”
K sd: “Yes, there is a very small breathing apparatus, eyes, bulbous head.”
P sd: “Ok, so how do you spend the majority of your time here.”
Note: At this point I felt an energy shift occur, it was very palpable and
elevated, it felt like impulses or waves of energy filling the room. I had to
focus to maintain concentration.
K sd: “I hold a position that could be construed as a Dignitary, one who
collaborates and coordinates this planetary system.”
P sd: “Can you tell me what that involves.”
K sd: “It needs to be conveyed, this meeting has been preordained between this
one in which I speak through, you know of me from previous communications in
which I hold a position within a council conglomerate. This meeting has been
devised and organised to give this one the information’s which she is seeking
about her origins.”
P sd: “What can you tell us about her origins.”
K sd: “It has been spoken of before, we, she, myself, are what you refer to as
Andromedian in nature, she represents but a fractal of me. This meeting has
been orchestrated for her to embody that aspect which she is unaware of, she
has been sent here within the physicality of the hologram you refer to as Earth,
to imprint the frequencies in which we hold as a species, from a higher
dimensional standpoint. As you all are transcending a lower frequency density
into a heightened dimensional field, she has been sent here within your
frequency field to imbue those higher signature codes within the codons of her
physical vessel so that she may be a transmitter of those frequencies in
preparedness for an elevated convergence within your timeline. Does that make
P sd: “So that’s why it is for this one to have the awareness of where she came.”
K sd: “Yes because what she is doing, and, what she has dedicated much of her
adult life to is significant in this now juncture of time. She has been doing what
many, many others who also have been planted within this timeline and that is
building a frequency bridge into what you refer as the 5 th Dimension. It is
bridging a humanity into a heightened frequency field, you refer to this as
ascension. This comprises of a ripple effect for as you as an ascending humanity
rise up much like a wave formation, it then permeates into other planetary
systems and contributes to the overall universal and cosmic upgrade that is
P sd: “So what more can you say about this upgrade that is occurring at this
time on this holographic Earth and why this one is apart of this.”
K sd: “She is a fractal, there are many fractals, lets say millions of fractals that
are all contributing the uniqueness of their signature codes they hold within.
You all are contributing, those that are a fractal of interstellar beings that are
more elevated through their consciousness field, more expanded lets say, each
and every one whom have agreed to participate within this grand elevation of
the Cosmos, are playing a very unique, yet significant part which contributes to
the overall whole of the Cosmos’s upgrading.”
P sd: “So it sounds like what you are saying is, that it’s not just this holographic
Earth but the whole Cosmos that is upgrading, it’s so much bigger than just this
K sd: “That is correct, it is not just this planetary speck you refer to as Earth
that is expanding, elevating, embodying more of Source Creation Energy. That
is the propulsion of this universal Cosmic upgrade. You upon Earth are apart of
that, it is occurring in all planetary systems and all within that are provided with
a choice to expand and embody more of Source Creation Energy or retract and
P sd: “So why has this one chosen to come back at this time, why couldn’t she
stay on the Planet of origin and work from there instead of having to come back
at this time and work from here.”
K sd: “Because there has been agreements made to assist those planetary
bodies where there is division, where there is separation and provide an avenue
to deliver and emit directly into the atmosphere of the planet, this particular
planet being Earth. There are many other planets within planetary systems that
have been designated fractal aspects of higher dimensional beings to assist that
particular planet. This fractal within this one is the planet that requires the
particular frequency in which I hold to support the ascension upgrade. However,
she is not singular, there are many similar beings upon this planet contributing
the origin of the fractal implanted within them and the frequencies in which
they are emitting. Does that make sense.”
P sd: “Yes and so the frequencies that these fractals are bringing through from
their origin are helping with the upgrade of this planet and planetary system.”
K sd: “Correct, for there was the potentiality that this planet could have
faulted, had the many millions, lets say insurmountable number of fractal energy
imprints had not occupied a body. It could have been a very dire scenario.”
P sd; “So that being the case, that would’ve also had a direct impact on the rest
of the Cosmos.”
K sd: “Correct, this could not have been permitted for the permeating effects
would have been detrimental to other planetary systems.”
P sd: “Is there anything else you would like to convey about this frequency
upgrade at this present time.”
K sd: “There is to be a designation of Source Frequency particle energy, lets say
frequency waves, we are utilising a generalised term in order for the
comprehension of this. We have impressed upon this one the word monotomic
which is be directed to this planet known as Earth, which will propel humanity
into an ascended state of being and embodied consciousness that they have not
previously experienced.”
P sd: “So my understanding of monotomic is a type of gas that would be
projected toward the Earth, is that right.”
K sd: “That’s correct, it is a gaseous compound if you wish to be specific,
however, it is so much more than that. It is the derivative of Source Creation
Energy harnessed in a concentrated form which will be directed into this lower
frequency field known as Earth. That will provide a catalyst for the ascended
state within each and every one to be activated, not all will accept this
frequency, not all will have the capacity to integrate this frequency through
their own choices. However, a great many have agreed to participate in this
frequency jump, this evolutionary leap.”
P sd: “So this monotomic substance will have an affect on some of those that
have agreed to ascend and those that have chosen to continue as they are, they
will not ascend.”
K sd: “All have made a choice, known or unknown to them, each and every one will
embody that which they have chosen, for a great many, they will, (this being
stopped short from continuing) this is to be answered at a later time. We are
here today for this one to realise her role here, her role within this evolutionary
leap forward, for she has many questions pertaining to this.”
P sd: “And so are those skills that you have as a Dignitary on this other planet in
another dimension, is that to be utilised here.”
K sd: “No, she is a fractal of me, she has many attributes that are relative to
me, her fair sense of justice is an attribute derived from that fractal of me.
She has developed her own character within the body that was provided for
her, however, she is a fractal of me, and with that she has had the opportunity
to participate in her Earthly experiences where she has been prompted to
action, prompted to experience elements of your Earthly construct, such as
work, family, relationships, so I have been receiving the imprints of that
through this fractal.”
P sd: “And with those imprints you receive, does that assist you.”
K sd: “It offers insight, if offers variety to be imbued, seen and felt but she is
a fractal, she is not the embodiment of me. It was a strong advisement through
her own prompting, her own desire to know where she originated from, all life in
all universal systems are the derivative of Source Creation. Not one is any
better than the other, it is just differing in nature.”
P sd: “Is there anything else you would like to share today.”
K sd: “No, she has the clear imprint of me within her minds eye, she knows from
where she originates now. She can execute her life in beauty and grace now for
that is a measure from where she comes.”
P sd: “Beautiful, thankyou.”
I now move Kate from the awareness of that 9 th dimensional Andromeda
Dignitary and prepare Kate’s Higher Self to speak through her to answer her
questions. Peters notes: As a practitioner of QHHT and guiding clients through
differing life recollections and parallel lives, I often feel a heightening of
energy within the room which often times affect me. The vibration in the room
whilst this particular being was communicating through Kate was so high I had
difficulty remaining alert. This was an expanded presence. I have only felt this
with clients on a handful of occasions over the course of 7 years.
Kate’s Higher Self:
P sd: “I know Kate’s subconscious (Higher Self) could’ve brought forward many
different scenarios for Kate to view today, why did you bring forward this
particular meeting of the Andromeda Dignitary.”
HS sd: “It was through her desiring to know.”
P sd: “So what would you call that place that Kate was privy to today. Is that
some sort of constellation or place that she went to.”
HS sd: “It is from the planetary system of Andromeda.”
P sd: “And so this was brought forward for Kate to see today which aligns with
the questions she would like answered. The first question, she has multiple
completions occurring for her at the moment with friendships dissolving, her
small business, extended family, why is this happening in this now time.”
HS sd: “Because the time is nearing, and remember there is no time, that is an
Earthly construct. So the next forward juncture for you as a humanity is your
ascended leap and upgrade of your physicality, your consciousness and what once
served you is no longer applicable within this now juncture, we are attempting to
avoid the usage of the concept of time. So this one has experienced much that
has been within her field of awareness, within recent years, it is now
disengaging from her reality field because her reality is changing and within
that void more that is in alignment within the now vessel which occupies the
soul, will be brought into her awareness. This will be an applicable phase for
many of you on the planet.”
P sd: “So that leads into the next question that Kate has, is the Over Soul and
Higher Self now merging more expeditiously with the physicalness of people as a
result of the ascension integration, as Kate is receiving vast blocks of thought
and information that is not of her conscious mind, can you bring forward insight
into that.”
HS sd: “In short the answer is yes and yes. This ascension process allows for
the physical vessel to be upgraded substantially in order for the engagement of
the Monad or the Over Soul and the Higher Self, to come into alignment and
embodiment, so the Higher Self will be embodied in the physical vessel as the
dimensional time line shifts into the 5th density timeline.”
P sd: “So that leads into the next question because there is so much differing
information about the nature of this imminent shift into the 5 th dimensional
Earth and timeline. Can you clarify, will we as an ascending humanity be
relocated to a physical New Earth or can you explain that.”
HS sd: “Yes and no, and we will qualify that in this sense, what you see around
you is going to change. So the work is being done within you internally, within
the physical vessel, the atomic structure, the DNA, the cells, the organs, the
glands, all the systems, the apparatus of the mind, in order to expand the
consciousness which in turn expands the perimeters in which you view the world
around you. So the world around you, yes, will change significantly as you are
upgraded with a higher frequency model you will not see all that has been around
you the same. So the Earth is upgrading and changing also but you will not be on
this physical Earth perse, you will be traversing into an elevated Blessed Gaia
lets say, a Blessed Earth, for she will indeed be blessed, she will be equipped
with the newness, the lushness, the beauty, the vastness of all that is available
to her, and as your expanded awareness filtrates into the apparatus of the mind
and the upgraded bodily vessel, you will get to experience that with her. And it
is interesting to us, to convey that into words within a limited language. Because
it is a dimensional shift which is no small feat, you will have the newness of
Blessed Earth to experience, along with this planetary entity.
P sd: “So the scene on this new Earth will be different to what we have
experienced before.”
HS sd: “Yes, you are not staying as you are, you are making an evolutionary leap
forward, all within your reality scene scape will change, you will view things
differently. You will perceive things differently, you will action differently
because your consciousness has expanded. You can not do what you once did,
this is quantum mechanics you see, it is very limited putting this into words.”
P sd: “So how would everyday living and functioning be from your perspective.”
HS sd: “It will be in accordance to what you as a being has integrated, there is
not one model that can be given because each and every one is going to bring an
aspect of themselves into this new Blessed Gaia, but we understand the
complexity of what you are asking, so we will quantify it in a way that we feel
you are requesting. There is great beauty upon the physicality of this planet, so
you are transferring from one hologram into another hologram, now we’re sure
you will concede that this hologram you are currently living upon has offered
moments of great inspiration, upliftment, beauty, joyfulness to you but by and
large this hologram has been created to enslave its population and you as the
incredible creator beings that you are from Source Creation have maintained by
and large, an optimistic approach in a very challenging situation. You as a race
have made lemonade out of lemons, shall we say. Now this planetary body can no
longer sustain life as it is and so as you move into this allotted ascension that is
here now, as your consciousness is more intrinsically activated you will access
more universal knowledge into the embodiment of what you create. So this new
entity that is here now known as Blessed Gaia, you will harmonise with her and
you will create from that perspective as opposed to what has been created in
this current time line and reality from separation.”
P sd: “So there will be less separation on New Earth.”
HS sd: “Yes, because there will be more integration of the Higher Self and
Over Soul or Monad within the physicality.”
P sd: “So the Andromeda Dignitary that came through previously that Kate is a
fractal of, spoke of monotomic light and I wanted to ask is there a body of
beings presiding over the release of photonic light frequencies that propels this
evolutionary shift in consciousness within humanity that extinguishes the veil
that so many humans have had imposed upon them which prevents them from
registering who they really are.”
HS sd: “Yes, there is, it is a large planetary body that is presiding over the
intermittent release of this monotomic energy substance. Monotomic in this
sense is referred to as the overall Source Creation Energy, it is a unified field
of all that is, which embodies and encompasses everything from the nuclei of
Creator Source and as you expand into more and more of your Divine
Consciousness, that frequency embodies you. It can be harnessed and directed
to where it is most needed and that is what this multi dimensional planetary
body of differing galactic races are represented through. They are contributing
and ensuring that all planetary systems are evolving, they are over seeing
evolution and devolution of the Cosmos. And so yes this planet is on purpose for
receiving the upgrade that it requires to sustain life in a higher dimensional
field, and that is where humanity, those who have agreed to participate in that
expandedness within the Cosmos are going into the 5th dimensional New Earth.”
P sd: “So the photonic light frequencies that are coming in, its my understanding
that we are moving into that part of the galaxy where there is alot of photonic
light. We’ve currently experienced alot of solar flares that are M class and X
class solar activity which they call solar maximum at the moment, how does that
fit in with the photonic light or monotomic frequency which is coming in, how
does that fit in together.”
HS sd: “It is all one and the same, it is the rippling of that frequency, Creator
Source energy, that is being directed toward, and, upon the planet at this time.
You need to remember this is a holographic planet, as is all life, it is a hologram,
it seems very solid but it is not.”
P sd: “So is the hologram that is our bodies, they are ascending, upgrading and
changing in frequency, moving into the next hologram of Blessed Earth, will that
be an easy transition.”
HS sd: “Your bodies are being prepared for that now and have been prepared
for that for some years, we ask you, has that been an easy transition for you?
P sd: “At times yes, at times no, there is physical discomfort in the body as the
body is releasing old dense energies.”
HS sd: “So this moment in time that you are experiencing now has been a
preordained event as it is apart of the evolutionary process. This planet, had it
have been left to the devises of those whom infiltrated it, would not be here
now. It has been intercepted by that which can be known as forces of good
which encompasses all Creator Source life, there is consciousness that is unseen
that is formless, seen that occupy a bodily vessel, that is contributing to this
evolutionary leap forward, this upgrade, there are many and varying species,
races, humanoid and otherwise that are contributing to this moment in time.
You are not an isolated species there are many who are contributing to this in
your now juncture of time. You are apart of something that is much greater
than you have been permitted to perceive and so we would say to you, even
though it appears outwardly that all these external situations upon your planet
are creating uncomfortability for you, we are here to convey to you, there is
something so much greater occurring for, and, to you. When you traverse and
integrate into that dimensional shift, what you will experience is elevation, bliss
and joy, and we understand that by and large you as human beings have not
experienced that in its entirety throughout your earthly lives. So it may be a
stretch for you to accept that because you have been based in survival at the
hands of those forces that have kept the human race enslaved. So you asked us
to describe the New Earth to you. Just at this juncture in time many are not
able to accept that, because you are still within the, WHAT IS. As your
consciousness expands more, as more of the inherent codes that are imbued
within you activate, will you then be able to see, feel, embody and appreciate
the newness of where you are and where that is taking you. That is the best
that we can convey at this time.”
P sd: “Will we see glimpses of this 5D New Earth, Blessed Gaia reality now.”
HS sd: “Yes, more and more as it is integrated into you through the activations.
You will see, you will visit, it is not that far from your now position.”
P sd: “It is not far from where we are now. There is no time, right.”
HS sd: “No, it is all simultaneous. That’s why it has been perceived by you on
the ground as taking such a long time, there is no time, everything is
simultaneous, as you, as beings, are turned on through the frequencies released
into your planetary body and your own physical vessels through that New Earth
5 th dimensional density level. So it is all in accordance with the integration
within yourselves, within your consciousness as to when you see that shift
substantiated around you.”
P sd: “Thankyou, is there anything you would like to finish off with, or share
HS sd: “This was a very complex topic to discuss for the words within your
English language are very limited, we have discussed multi dimensional,
simultaneous shifts in reality. A great many beings on Earth are still
impressioned by a rectangular box before them (references to a tv) which is
where they receive some of their perceptual understandings of life from, this
instrument was created to confine the consciousness not expand it and it has by
and large succeeded, however, a great many are expanding with the impulses and
waves of energy which is directed toward your planet at present and they are
expanding at a rapid rate which is driving the propulsion within this evolutionary
leap forward. So there is much to look forward to, we would say negate the
misbehavings of the old guard (referring to the global elites & negative power
structures), for their time is complete. Do not give them your attention, they
had ample time, now that is no longer available to them. Humanity is indeed
birthing a new reality, one that is more in alignment with harmony, co operation,
unity and prosperity for all universal citizenry. Allow yourselves the entitlement
of growing into so much more than what you have ever known before.”
P sd: “Beautiful, thankyou.”