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New Moon in Aries - 1/4/2022

Writer's picture: Peter RulePeter Rule

New Moon in Aries - 1/4/2022

4.25pm - AEST - Brisbane. 5.25pm - DST - Sydney.

Aries New Moon is a powerful new moon so set your intentions, desires, dreams wisely and this is heightened manifesting energy. Aries is a cardinal sign – the beginning of the seasons (Spring/Autumn), action energy, and initiations.

This Aries new moon is loaded with Chiron, Sun, Moon and Mercury all in Aries intensifying the energy of this new moon. Aries is ruled by mars and can be fiery, raw, bold and a great time for initiating some thing new. Put the request out there, write it down, light a candle, let the universe know your intentions.

Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac and now with this line up planets we may feel like initiating a new project or getting started on something new. With Mercury here there could be communications that may be required to initiate something so be mindful with communications and avoid been harsh in speech. Chiron in the mix could bring healing or even a teaching element daring to step outside the box even if rejected by others as you know it is right for you. If the energy is not completely there yet, maybe it’s a mater of time when Jupiter goes into Aries on May 11th.

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces - April 2022

The big energy for 2022 and April is the conjunction of Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces. These two are now conjunct and will be exact around the 10th – 14th March. Both Jupiter and Neptune are in the watery sign of Pisces. Opportunities for spiritual elevation will be the focus for individuals and the collective to connect to source frequency for healing and higher knowledge. We have not had this alignment in the stars since 1856. Back in 1856 there was an explosion in spiritual questing, transcendental movement, beginning of hypnosis and even psychotherapy. There were also massive floods in France and interesting American Civil war. This alignment will last for many years, and will we see a spiritual renaissance where people awake from the illusion of what we call reality and see beyond the veils. This energy of now will have an effect for many years to come and the interest in creative, spiritual pursuits and quests could explode. You could be having amazing dreams now, and I am hearing this from clients. Enjoy this magical time.

Pisces is very sensitive energy and when I think of Pisces energy, I think of the ethereal nature of us or the energy around us that we cannot see with our earthly eyes, however we can feel it. Lately clients have spoken to me about not only dreams, but also unusual symptoms they are getting like feeling tired, exhausted, disturbed sleep, pressure in the head, headaches, unusual aches, and pains throughout the body. I too have felt some of these symptoms at times and the computer was doing strange things. So this is what I uncovered.

Solar Energy Update

On the 28/3/2022 Nasa has reported that the Solar the “M4 Solar Flare and CME was a Solar Tsunami (extremely high proton particle waves caused by a solar explosion). Dr Schavi ( discussed this more in his article “Major Cosmic Alert Addendum” - many M4 solar flares, CME’s (Coronal Mass Ejections) that are coming from the sun in the form of solar winds. These Solar winds instead of travelling at 300-400 thousand miles per second, they have been travelling at 1 million miles per second and this has been affecting living things on earth, Airplanes in flight, cell phones and computers are having problems. Drink lots of water, get out in nature and rest when needed if you are feeling the effects of the solar flares.

As we move more into the Astrological year which started on 21st March 2022 think about what you would like to create with this magical energy. Light a candle and write down your desires. Place in a sacred place where you can retrieve as a reminder when you feel like it. Have a great new moon in Aries and year to come. Be good to yourself and remember to breathe if the energy's are getting strong.

Peter Rule – Inspired Astrology - Online Sessions available -

Peter is available for face to face sessions at Cinnabar Soul – Eumundi on the 2nd and 16th April. Phone: 0409 463 761

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